No solicitors, or upfront fees or charges . You have a  consideration periods totaling 16 days, and can pull out during this time at no cost whatsoever.

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You may wish to purchase a car, go on holiday or carry out home improvements. When you apply to raise funds from lender, credit checks will be carried out which means that missed payments and defaults will show on your credit file.

Consolidation of debts
This maybe an option for you if you have various, loans, credit cards, and, wish to make one payment to one lender every month instead of paying several providers each month. This may reduce monthly outgoings, and provide more disposable income, but may cost more depending on loan term.

Why not remortgage?
You may be in a fixed period with your current mortgage provider, but wish to increase your total amount borrowed before your fixed period has ended. Lenders may charge for this, and may insist that early repayment charges are paid as you are breaking the agreement. Early repayment charges could also apply should you decide to remortgage elsewhere.

Think carefully before securing other debts against your home. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.